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Cuyamaca College Renovations

Cuyamaca College tasked the Firestone team with tackling a varied list of exterior projects, and we rose to the challenge. We started by removing large trees from the parking lot and the honor court, as their roots were damaging the existing flatwork. We then restored the honor court and replaced the engraved bricks according to the updated design, and replanted the landscaping with trees that have non-invasive root systems. Additionally, we removed, re-graded, and replaced lifting sidewalk panels in the parking lot. Our team also created roof access to the mathematics building, installed safety bollards around the chemistry department’s acid pit and gas meter, and added yellow non-slip safety striping to exterior staircases, while repairing their handrails. Finally, we made selective repairs to the asphalt around the campus, ensuring a safer and more aesthetically pleasing environment.

Final Photos

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